Budget Process

In February, each department is given guidance and information in preparing the next fiscal year's budget. A calendar is established covering budget preparation through budget adoption by the City Council.In February, the Development Services Director leads the update of the City of Turlock's Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the Five-Year Equipment Replacement Program to provide a tool for the departments in budgeting for the purchase of critical equipment and funding of Capital Projects.
Priorities and Allocation
Departments use the Strategic Plan to provide an effective means to determine priorities and allocation of their resources to meet their plan's goals.Once a Department sets their priorities for the budget year, they identify the corresponding resource requirements for the budget years.
The Budget Subcomittee
The Budget Subcommittee, comprised of the Mayor and one Councilmember, meets with each Division Director, the City Manager, the Administrative Services Director and Finance staff for a line by line review of their budget.The Subcommittee presents budget recommendations in Budget workshops to reflect the City Council's commitment to delivering efficient services and spending the City's tax dollars wisely.