Westside Industrial Specific Plan

The City of Turlock has prepared the Westside Industrial Specific Plan (WISP) to facilitate economic and job development through orderly growth and development in the Turlock Regional Industrial Park. The Plan was prepared during a time of significant change in the structure of the national economy. Many types of manufacturing jobs have declined nationally or been transferred elsewhere. Yet the essential need for food and agricultural products indicate an opportunity to create a center for an enduring and sustainable economy based on agricultural products and related processes and services. The Plan provides the project vision and objectives, and establishes development policies: land use regulations, design standards, and a phasing plan that will guide the orderly growth of the existing and new industrial areas.
While this document is available for download, you may also purchase a printed copy from Fed Ex Kinko's, 1451 Geer Road, Turlock.
Westside Industrial Specific Plan
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for WISP
Mitigation Monitoring Program for WISP