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ADA Accessibility

ADA Self-Evaluation

On November 14, 2017, the City Council will consider adoption of an ADA Self-Evaluation that analyzes the programs, services, and activities provided by the City for accessibility compliance. This draft document is available for review by the public. The final version of the document will be posted here following final adoption by the City Council. The public is encouraged to attend one of two community meetings to learn more and provide feedback. Both meetings shall take place on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at Turlock City Hall in the Yosemite Conference Room (2nd Floor). The first meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. and the second meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. Turlock City Hall can be accessed using Turlock Transit on Route 5.

ADA Self-Evaluation (Draft)

ADA Transition Plan

On May 13, 2014, the City adopted the revised ADA Transition Plan and associated appendices related to survey results. This document describes the process by which the City�s building, parks, and public facilities were evaluated for accessibility compliance, provides a detailed description of each accessibility barrier, outlines the steps necessary for achieving compliance, establishes a priority and severity level for each barrier, as well as identifies the official responsible for implementing the plan.

ADA Transition Plan
Compliance Survey Results (Facilities)
Compliance Survey Results (Pedestrian Signals)
Compliance Survey Results (Intersections / Curb Ramps)
Compliance Survey Results (Mid-block / Sidewalks)

Notice of Compliance

Notice of Compliance

Official Responsible / Grievance Process

The City official responsible for implementation of the ADA Transition Plan, also known as the ADA Coordinator, is also responsible for reviewing official ADA grievances. If you have a question, would like to report an accessibility issue, or would like to file an ADA grievance you may do so by:
  1. email at
  2. fax at (209) 668-5563; or
  3. in-person or by mail at City of Turlock, Engineering Division, Attn: Director of Development Services, 156 S. Broadway, Suite 150, Turlock, CA, 95380.

For more information about ADA accessibility, please contact:

ADA Coordinator
Dev Services Department
156 S. Broadway, Ste. 150
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 668-5520
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM

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